Our Journey

#OurJourney sometimes is not the straightest of ways, one moment you can be on a path that seems amazing and everything is falling into place and the next moment you can be hanging on by a thread, about to lose everything and possibly even your life. It takes such maturity and perspective to understand that your journey is not the same as anyone else’s, but yet we, (I) still compare myself to other people.

Sometimes #OurJourney doesn’t need to make sense to other people and we have to be okay with it only making sense to us.

If you would like to download or stream the song please feel free to use any of the links below or search your favorite music application. Whatever you decide we at Divine Keys appreciate the support and pray deeply that you are really blessed by this Piano Piece.

iTunes, Apple Music: (Apple Music, iTunes).

Google Play: (https://play.google.com)

Spotify: (Spotify)

Amazon (Amazon Music)

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Story Behind Our Journey Piano Piece
I use to spend time and even up to recently comparing myself to a lot of people, ‘ahhhh man, that person has a new car and it’s German’, ‘ahhh man, why have I not bought that 5 bedroom house in central London?’ just a few thoughts that can go through ones (my) head. For a long time I have been trying to appreciate that my Journey is different to everyone else’s and there is actually no set structure for how to live life, and because it does not flow in a particular way, it does not mean that I am on the wrong path or something is against me (for those who know what I am talking about… lool), maybe I am doing all of the right things but need to be prepared for what is coming? maybe I just need to stay in this place and learn a lot more so I am ready for the next stage.

Sometimes we have to learn that #OurJourney is not about us alone but intertwined with others. I am sure you have heard the famous phrase that ‘no man is an ISLAND’ and this is very true. As we mature we quickly realise that our Journey is not just ours, but has influence on others and others can actually influence ours.

This new single is all about this, as you listen hopefully you will hear how the music progresses, how one first receives something and is in Love with wide eyes enjoying the journey (Literally loving every moment of it), but then gets to a place of struggle, and you’re like ‘😳 I didn’t expect that’. You realise it’s not that deep because you’ve  found a solution that you hope will work. You are almost there, you are then taken back to that place of enjoying the journey, but then again … BANG… you hit a snag. This repeats just as in life as we go through hard times and good times, then (may be true for a lot of us) we have the really deep times where it feels like you are in a battle, where it is just you and the world and all you can do is just fight. So you fight in your own strength, until you get tired and just give up. As you are flat out, a friend, a family member, a lover, GOD reminds you that you are not in this alone, there is hope and someone who saw the entire journey and was in it with you is STILL HERE. This is where the realisation that this is not just YourJourney but is actually #OurJourney.

#OurJourney #AllIHaveIPourItOut #PianoPiece #Music #DivineKeys #ReleaseThatMusic #13/10  #JustDropTheY

Big thank you to Isaac Kola Busari from IKB Media Group who made the artwork. Check out their website, www.ikbusari.com.